Our Approach
We Care
We CARE about people of all ages, sizes, shapes, colors and background.
We CARE that people receive an opportunity to study the Bible.
We CARE about marriage and offer marriage enrichment opportunities.
We CARE about children that they learn moral values and principles along with their school knowledge.
We CARE about families and plan activities that involve everyone.
We CARE about the hungry. We give regularly to the needs of malnourished around the world through missions and in our community by providing food pantry.
We CARE about single adults and want them to feel accepted and useful in the church.
We CARE about reaching out and touching people through local outreach programs and by support of the Southern Baptist mission efforts.
We CARE that people hear the good news that there is abundant life and joy and hope in Jesus Christ.
Our Story
Meet the Pastor
Pastor Gary Kohl has been with Belair Baptist Church since 1993. He served as a chaplain in the United States Air Force prior to being called to the ministry of the church. In 2000, Belair Baptist Christian Academy was opened as a result of God's amazing provision and blessing. Pastor Kohl currently serves as the academy administrator.
Pastor Kohl has a love for teaching and preaching God's Word, and welcomes all who walk through these doors.